
酵素,也就是一般我們稱的「酶」,是維持生命的有機物質; 充當催化劑或促進劑的蛋白質,在整個化學反應過程中持續作用。一些化學反應需要迅速發生,例如在消化過程中需要將大蛋白質或脂肪分解成更小的分子。酵素在的皮膚上的作用並不像腸道那麼快,但是當你意識到他們的作用時,會對酵素的反應速度印象深刻。根據美國皮膚病學會的資料,如果你是一個普通的成年人,你的身體每平方英寸有19,000,000個皮膚細胞,覆蓋你身體的20平方英尺的皮膚。將酵素使用在皮膚保養護理上,就像是一場完美的演出,讓您的肌膚恢復活力,並讓您的臉部,頸部或任何想要改善地方,恢復肌膚活力並重現年輕煥發。
酵素有著許多不同的類型,目前在皮膚護理中大部分用於去角質和抗發炎。 部分酵素有著極佳的去角質能力,比磨砂或微晶磨皮更有效且溫和。皮膚的最表層主要是由含角蛋白的死皮細胞組成,而酵素則能分解角蛋白細胞。另外還有其他不同種類的酵素,有些則自然存在於皮膚中,可以視為自由基的清除劑並保護皮膚免受氧化損傷,並能保護免受陽光,環境污染物,甚至痤瘡的傷害。
到目前為止,酵素似乎聽起來是很不錯的東西,但不幸的是,酵素對他們的存在環境非常挑剔。它們需要最佳的溫度和pH條件,當酵素從自身存在的環境中取出時,它們有變得不穩定的傾向。 需要有相當的技術及條件才能對酵素進行更深入的研究。因為pH值和溫度的變化會使某些酵素變性,使酵素失去活性及功效。因此,存放在陰涼黑暗的地方,避免高溫和光線直射,提供穩定的保存環境是必要的。
What is an enzyme
Enzymes are organic substances that sustain life; proteins that act as catalysts, or accelerators, during chemical reactions happening continually throughout the body. Some reactions need to happen quickly, such as the enzymes involved in breaking down big protein or fat molecules into smaller ones during digestion. The enzyme processes working in your skin are not quite as fast as in the gut, but they react at an impressive rate when you realize what their work encompasses. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you have 19,000,000 skin cells per square inch covering 20 square feet of skin across your body, if you are an average adult. Working with the enzymes in and on your skin, can come together in a dramatic dance to revitalize your skin and return a youthful glow and feel to your face, neck or anywhere you want to improve texture or appearance.
How are enzymes used in skin care
While there are many types of enzymes, they have two primary uses in skin care– for exfoliation and anti-inflammation. Certain enzymes are effective exfoliants and can be gentler than other methods like scrubs and microdermabrasion. The upper layer of your skin is mostly made of dead skin cells containing keratin protein. The enzymes work by specifically breaking down the keratin protein, resulting in smoother skin. Other enzymes (some found naturally in skin) can function as a scavenger of free radicals and protect skin against oxidative damage. Simply put, enzymes can protect against damage from sun, environmental pollutants and even acne.
The downside of enzymes
So far, enzymes sound pretty great, right? Unfortunately, enzymes are very picky about their environment. They require optimal conditions of temperature and pH, and when enzymes are removed from their natural environment, they have a tendency to become unstable. This makes them very difficult to work with and challenging for chemists to formulate with. Changes in pH and temperature can denature some enzymes, which makes them inactivate and renders them useless. It is very difficult to maintain consistent shipping and storage conditions for skincare products, which can result in enzymes becoming unstable and therefore not working. Stable conditions at home would be to avoid heat and direct light – store in a cool, dark place.

溫泉除了能夠消除疲勞及促進血液循環以外,其實對皮膚也有相當好的美容作用!以下將針對美人湯(碳酸氫鹽泉)及硫酸鹽泉這兩種溫泉來說明。 碳酸氫鹽泉 以碳酸離子為主,富含碳酸氫鈉,多屬中性到鹼性,可洗浴也可飲用

隨年齡的變化,皮膚中水分含量與皮脂量的相對關係如下圖。 當超過35歲後,皮膚所分泌的皮脂量開始逐漸減少。 皮脂是一種重要的物質,作為薄膜在皮膚上擴散,在皮膚表層保護肌膚不受外部環境刺激,避免細菌感染,並具有滋潤肌膚

「無論使用多少護膚保養品,皮膚問題都無法解決…」當發生類似上述的情況時,絕大部分的問題都出在清潔的步驟。日常護理是使肌膚美麗的重要步驟,而清潔是最基本的程序,也是本次要探討的重點。 保持肌膚亮麗的首要步驟 在日常